About Strength Academy

Our philosophy is that it is the interpretations and hence the thoughts we as children attach to incidents in our lives, that determine whether we're primarily happy and content or the opposite. Those same interpretations and thoughts determine, if we feel good about ourselves, if we believe in ourselves and if we face challenges with a positive attitude and a positive understanding of what we can achieve.

Therefore it is vital that we already as children learn positive thought-patterns that in every way can strengthen our self-esteem and the will and courage to learn.

In the recognition that you and only you can choose your thoughts it is possible to work consciously with acquiring positive thought-patterns that will serve us positively and create happiness in your life. It's all about learning new thought-habbits and for that we have developed a education system for schools and institutions and done presentations and workshops for teachers and pedagogs and other professionals working with children. For parents I frequently host workshops and presentations or attend PTA-meetings and of course offer this and other workbooks for parents to train and develop positive thought-patterns in children.

At the Strength Academy we offer concrete materials and training in working with children's and adolescents' mental health and well-being. Our materials have recommendations from the Danish Board of Health, Danish Board of Social Services and The Psychiatric Foundation and we interact with schools and municipalities for interventions in school settings and with projects involved in substance abuse, work activation and vulnerable children's and adolescents' mental health.

We believe in:

- sustainability or train-the-trainer; we believe in the unique relationship between student/citizen and teacher/case worker and aim to train the professionals to use scientific methods to support mental health

- progression and continuity; we believe in continuity throughout the upbringing and across institutions, so that citizens and pupils experience the same tools in a progression throughout their childhood and adolescence

- science; we only use scientific and proven methods and in developing new ones we emphasize measuring effect and testing efficiency in pilot projects before launch